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Storage method

Proper storage of resin shower trays according to the guidelines can avoid a lot of unnecessary damage.

After testing for many times, we have summed up two storage methods, please make a choice according to your warehouse storage conditions.




The first way: Lay all shower trays flat on the ground.


1.Cut off the rope slowly.
2.Take each shower tray out of the pallet carefully. When taking one shower tray off the pallet, then tie the rope around the rest trays to ensure them not to slope or fall down. Make sure it won’t caused warehouse staff injured or product damage.
3.Lay all shower trays flat on the ground.
4.Prohibition of vertical or random storage.


The second way: Tie all shower trays up with a rope after taking a shower tray out of the pallet.


1.After taking out required pieces of shower tray, the rest shower trays shall be stored in the pallet and be tied with ropes still.
2.Slanted storage or tied loosely is prohibited.


DAYA sincerely hopes that this article can help you store shower trays logically, so that every product can be sold perfectly.

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